AFTER a failed “Voice” campaign incurring over $450Mil in costs and months of distraction from the key issues affecting the majority of the population, you must ask what our politicians’ priorities are.
You would think infrastructure and the cost of living and housing should be up there as key priorities.
In Queensland, we have State and Council elections coming up in 2024.
Imagine spending that $450 million on infrastructure.
That could have been over 740 social homes built locally, the Tiaro Bypass, a Level 5 Hospital, a convention centre or sporting facilities for the next 20 years.
We need to see the focus back on our community’s infrastructure projects.
I would like to see every politician or want-to-be politician come up with their top ten priority infrastructure projects that they want to happen in the Fraser Coast.
That way everyone knows what they stand for and the choices become clearer at election time.
It will also make politicians accountable during their term if elected.
This is a simple model, with no spin or feel good, warm, fuzzy statements, just tangible projects that will benefit the community.
For private development and the building industry to keep growing, we need public infrastructure to service the demands of the growing population, increased traffic, recreation, education, community etc.
Let’s get the politicians to tell us what their vision is for the Fraser Coast.
Will they freehold the marina, expand the hospital precinct, enhance the Esplanade, expand the sports precinct, redevelop the CBD’s, expand the airport flights and capacity or expand the industrial precinct in Maryborough?
We also need water, roads, sewerage, and other enhancements, to cater for the growth.
We are just letting the growth occur without the infrastructure to support it.
I want to know what the next group of politicians have as their vision if they are putting their hand up for office.
Let’s become bold, visionary, positive and progressive and elect the politicians that have the clearest and best vision for our future that the population wants.
As John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a Leader.”